Thursday, August 4, 2011

To whom it may concern .

Why must you ask about my past ?
What has it got to do with my future ?
Why must you hurt me this way ?
You make me feel like a whore .
Rather than i hurt myself more , it's better to keep myself quiet .
It's up to you if you think what i did is not right or unreasonable .
What i know is , your words hurt me too much !
If you really want to know about my past , you're most welcome to get to know it BY YOURSELF !
Or maybe you want to be in it ?
I'm sick and tired of this stupid thingy .
If you think my past is more interesting than my present , then might as well leave me .
I don't want to hurt myself anymore .
Especially because of guys .
If you think i'm over-reacting , well , yes , i am .
I won't let anybody hurt me .
Be it the one i love or whoever who's in my life right now .
If you think we could be happy with you keep on asking about my past and hurt my feelings , well then , FUCK YOU !
I'm a human being full of sins and mistakes .
All i want is your love to go through all these pains and start anew .
But you keep on reminding me about my past .
You think i'm okay with it ?
Do you want me to write you a long composition about my life ?
Who i dated with , who i had sex with , how many rounds we had , where it happened , how it happened and whatever shits .
Would you like it if i were to ask you those questions ?
Ouh yahh ! You're a guy .
No loss anyway hurh .
Seems like you're giving up on me right ?
If you can stand it , neither do i .
Being with you , who keeps on asking me about my past , might as well i stay on my past right ?
Why must i find somebody NEW who always talks , asks and reminds me of my PAST ?
If you think you're better of without me and can't stand with my attitude , then just fuck off .
I think about myself first before thinking about others .
Why should i try not to hurt you when everything you do for me seems like bullshit the moment you started to mention about my past .
Yeah . I promised not to leave you .
But i ain't gona apologies for your stupid acts .
And if you were to leave me , i'm not going to stop eu either .
Do what you think is right for you .
If separation is the best for you and me , then just let it go .
Saye Zara Biolz